Women in Management Awards

Top 10 Champions of Diversity


To recognize and celebrate individuals who have gone above and beyond to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion in the private sector. This award celebrates the outstanding efforts of leaders who are fearless allies and advocates of gender equality and intersectionality in the workplace. Open to all men, and non-binary. The award’s recognition of intersectionality includes the advocacy and action on advancing economic opportunities for everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, racial identity, age, or other circumstances.

Selection Criteria

The nominee should portray at least two out of the below list of criteria, supported by evidence, showcasing impact.

  1. Demonstrated Leadership in Fostering Inclusion – Leaders actively work to create an atmosphere where all individuals feel welcome and accepted, irrespective of their backgrounds, gender identity, racial identity, age or other circumstances.
  2. Advocacy for Equal Opportunities – Advocacy for marginalized groups such as women/ persons with disabilities/ LGBTQI in the workplace, institute, society.
  3. Implementation of Inclusive Policies and Practices – Inclusion Identified cases of inequalities or lack of diversity in the workplace, institute and society and built inclusive solutions to address them.
  4. Mentorship & Support for Underrepresented Groups – A proven track record as a mentor/sponsor to a diverse group of employees.
  5. Community Impact and Outreach – Public advocacy for equality, diversity, and inclusion.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Must be nominated by an organization or an institute.
  2. The nominee must be a professional from any workstream with a minimum of 10+ years of experience. (For corporate categories)
  3. Displayed leadership in catalyzing a movement, advancing legislation, or advocating for the rights of women, gender, persons with disabilities, and sexual minorities at an organization or country level.
  4. Have no history of abuse, assault, or any other form of inappropriate or unethical behavior.

Awards Categories

  1. Financial & Banking Instructions
  2.  Supply Chain & Logistics
  3. Manufacturing Industry
  4. Media
  5. Technology
  6. Education
  7. State Sector
  8. Hospitality Industry
  9. Activism & Awareness
  10. Social Work

Nomination Process

  1. Nomination will be open from Friday, October 20, 2023, to Friday, November 20, 2023.
  2. Fill the nomination Form and email to admin@womeninmanagement.org
  3. Once a nomination is submitted, nominators will receive a confirmation message. Only the finalists will be notified.
  4. The award winners will be notified in advance and announced at the Top 10 Champions of Diversity Awards 23rd November 2023)
  5. Women in Management reserves the right to reject a nomination and/or revoke an award in cases involving fraudulent or criminal allegations, accusations, investigations, or charges.

The Panel of Judges - 2023

Alejandro S Alvarez de la Campa

Country Manager IFC Sri Lanka & Maldives

Dinesh Weerakkody

Chairman Board of Investment

Mano Sekaram

CEO 99X Technologies (Former Top50 Male Champion)

Roshanie Jayasundera Moraes

CEO Link Natural Products

Shehara De Silva

Non Executive Director Keells Food and Sarvodaya

The Award Ceremony

  1. There will be two panel discussions followed with recognition and announcement of the Top10 Champions of Change.
  2. 30th November 2023 from 5.30 p.m. onwards at Date should be 30th November 2023 from 5.30 p.m. onwards at Taj Samurda Hotel.
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