Women in Management Awards

Silvana Mariel Muñoz, is 54 years old, an Argentinian but a Citizen World that will settle up in DUBAI-UAE this 2023. She defines herself as a dreamer that makes things happen for achieving them without giving up even at tough times. resilient, lover of the cultures diversity, languages and travels to know and . With a high passion for travel, cultures, languages, and diversity since her childhood, she loves to build trusting relationships globally and mutually evolutive souls wisdom and experiences as a way to be remembered, her legacy.

She is convinced that “The Firms that are going to survive and be sustainable are the ones that could share their Best Storytelling as Legacy while living it. It’s not just about their products, services, or marketing strategy. This is the Best Time to Write the Most Inspiring Storytelling as Integrated Generations. Everyone has a Story to tell and share…” this is about her role and mission to accomplish

Silvana is an agricultural engineer, ontological and executive coach, design thinking consultant, trainer, and facilitator working for more than 25 years with entrepreneurs, agribusiness, farmers’ peers’ groups (Women+Men), and family businesses of ALL THE SECTORS by challenging, empowering, and inspiring them to go Beyond Their Worlds. In different experienced jobs, she always found her role as acting a nexus or bridge between Owners and Employees, or Founders and Successors, Men and Women, Seniors and Juniors Generations, listening to their hidden feelings, concerns, challenges, conflicts, negotiation needs and ideas to share but non listened by the right person as well as a guidance for shorting the gap between the desire and the achievement, the future and the present. She has a natural skill to make trusted and good relationships as well as connected people globally.

Her coaching inspires them to redesign their futures and expand beyond their limits and present mindset. She created methodologies and resources based on her own because of an unexpected health event in her life.

Pioneer in traveling for networking since the 90s, when expanded horizons to Ocean Pacific while studying at University. Re open her idea of working globally in 2015 attending an International Business Challenges focusing on Asia-Arab World Markets regarding 2030. Since 2016 have been traveling and running activities, for better cultural knowledge of her potential clients in Europe, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, China. and online during the pandemia she has been attending and participating in a huge amount of Congresses, Webinars, Surveys, Researches, Conferences, and more from Africa, Poland, Australia, USA, India, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Mauritius, and the above addressed. As International Multilingual Speaker she has run family business workshops, sessions, training in events and congresses for universities, companies, organizations, youtube and podcasts talks, globally.

This 2023 will be participating in person and virtually at global Events focused on Sustainability, NextGen, Education, Family Business and Family Offices as Guest Speaker, Keynote sessions and workshops/training as well. in Asia, MENA, Europe, Africa, Latam.

She will work in parallel with clients in 1/1 coaching/mentoring processes and Peers in Group /MasterMinds processes.
Award Winner of the “Top 50 Global Professional & Career Women Awards – Twelfth Edition” Dubai June 2022. “Business Role Model of the Year” category organized by WIM Sri Lanka (Women In Management) & S.L Business Council in Dubai and more global business magazine features and awards.- Co-Author of “She Dares” book by MENA Speakers, Pre-launched on !9th November 2021, ExpoDubai2020 with 36 inspirational women, unique Argentinian. Featured in Indian Magazines, Global Talk Shows, and other events. At present it is being nominated for several awards and Magazines/books features at Global Business Events (GCPIT Global Leaders / SMES Street India, WIM Sri Lanka-Maldives, Canada-Dubai/ Dubai Magazines and much more still in process).

As Author she is writing the interactive Ebook “WoMenITY”- Family Businesses & Family Offices WoMen Beyond Own Cultures, CuLtUrEs and CULTURES”. A GloBCal journey from Women + Men Perspectives. With more than 200 Collaborators/Protagonists from 50 cultures from all over the world.
Projects for launching:

  •  “FashioNABILITY” digital magazine: Let´s do SustaiNABILITY a Daily FASHION to wear.
  • Give&Take5!” Xpress daily Podcast
  • NextGen Magazine: “TheGame Changers-The.Change Makers”
  • Family Business & Family Offices MAGAZeries

This year after covid times she revert to her activities worldwide, participating as speaker in Summits, Congresses, Festivals, Conferences running sessions, panels and workshops in the 7 continents, with topics focused on Family Businesses/family Offices, WoMen, NextGen, Building a Legacy While Living, contributing to the Sustainability of healthy Beings (humans, animals, vegetables wealth), Businesses, Economies, Future Generations and WORLD!!!!!!!!! This is my Purpose and Vision for present and future, Impacting Globally while Supporting the no matter the culture they belong to…anyway, we are all 1 WORLD! Altogether…Always In Movement / Altogether…THe Future In Movement / Beyond My Own World…THE WORLD! These are my projects and companies Slogans and north.

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