Platinum Sponsor - Powered By” LKR 3,000,000

6 – complimentary attendee passes (For each event) with the option to purchase more at a 20% discount off the applicable for conference and awards registration fee.
Signage in the main conference and award halls and the registration area, more prominent than those of any co-sponsors.
Company’s name and logo featured on Forum & Award advertising materials, brochures, social media post, backdrops and at the compere notes.
Promotional Booth during the conference day to promote Products & Solutions
A Company Senior representatives will receive an opportunity to present One segment (12 awards) with the Chief Guest to the winners at the Top50 Awards Night.
3 minutes 4 spots video to be played during the Gala Dinner at the Awards Night
Platinum sponsorship special award will be issued to the sponsoring organization during the Top50 Award Ceremony
Gold Sponsor –LKR 2,000,000

4 – complimentary attendee passes (For each event) with the option to purchase more at a 15% discount off the applicable for conference and awards registration fee.
Company logo featured on the conference/awards website
Entitle to promote your company as a Silver sponsor to the conference & awards
Three banners or similar promotional items to be displayed at the foyer area.
Company’s name and logo featured on Forum & Award advertising materials, brochures, social media post, backdrops and at the compere notes.
To present 5 Awards to the winners at the Top50 Awards Night for LKR 2Mn Sponsors.
3 minutes 2 spots video to be played during the Gala Dinner at the Awards Night
Silver Sponsor –LKR 1,000,000

Two banners or similar promotional items to be displayed at the foyer area.
To present 3 Awards to the winners at the Top50 Awards Night for LKR 1Mn Sponsors.
Sliver sponsorship special award will be issued to the sponsoring organization during the Top50 Award Ceremony.
Sponsor –LKR 500,000
1 – complimentary attendee passes (For each event) with the option to purchase more at a 15% discount off the applicable for conference and awards registration fee.
Company logo featured on the conference/awards website
Entitle to promote your company as a Gold sponsor to the conference & awards.
One banners or similar promotional items to be displayed at the foyer area
To present 1 Award to the winners at the Top50 Awards Night for LKR 500,000 Sponsors
Key Details
- Payment will need to be made 2 weeks prior to the event/s
- Participation and branding of the sponsors will be finalized with the event company appointed by WIM
- Companies are required to submit the completed and signed expression of commitment by 10th May 2023